What is the best way to improve English for IELTS Exam?


Learn IELTS Online

This test assesses the English proficiency of individuals seeking international education, training, work, or migration in English speaking countries.

The IELTS test is divided into 4 sections-





To achieve these four basic language skills, you need to surround yourself with the English:

  • Make the English part of your life at home, at work, during your free time.
  • Unmask yourself to the language as much as possible.

Let us discuss all the sections individually and see what all we can do to improve our understanding of English in each section:


It plays a very important part of learning any language. Effective listening ensures understanding. Listening can only be improved by paying attention not only to what is said but also how it is said. And you also need to understand the format of the test.

So for that try doing listening practices and see if you’re able to understand the whole format. You can go through the IELTS Cambridge series for sample Q & A. This will also help you to understand the accent properly.

Try to listen to more English songs and watch English movies. This may help you to keep the learning interesting. You can start watching movies with subtitles first. And later watch without the subtitles. This will keep you engaged.


It is a process of the brain and it takes time to develop: your mind has to attach meaning to the words, phrases, and expressions represented by symbols, plus get to understand the grammar and structure of the language used in the passage to read.

The reading portion is perhaps the toughest in IELTS and requires a lot of practice, skills, and techniques. Enhancing scores in reading is only done if you practice it properly.

Also, I recommend you read as much as you can. Read novels and newspaper articles. Moreover, in IELTS it is not essential or imperative that you understand the entire article as you just need to understand the aim of the article and what the writer is saying.

Also, techniques such as skimming and scanning are useful as you do not have time to read the entire article. All you need to do is go through the given questions first so that you will have one small idea of what the passage is all about. While reading the questions underline the keywords of each question you think will help you out while searching for answers.


For writing, You must learn the format of answering the first section and the second section and for that, you can again go through the Cambridge book series.

Other than that you should focus on improving your grammar and vocabulary and sentence structures. Try to use at least 1-2 New words in each paragraph. Give your writing a structure.

You can make a quick flowchart of your main topics and later arrange them systemically in paragraphs. This will help you to make sense of what you are writing and it will keep the reader engaged.


Speaking is all about pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and how comfortably you can talk. Try to record yourself while practicing.

Listening back to this record will help you to find out your mistakes and eventually you’ll be able to improve. Learn at least 5 new words daily and use them while you speak.

Try to talk in English as much as you can this will make you very comfortable and confident with the language.

This way you will be able to improve your English for IELTS and will be able to score higher bands. Just make sure that “Eat English, Speak English, Walk English, Sleep English, and Repeat”

FAQ About IELTS Exam

> What is IELTS?

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an internationally administered test of English language,
established in 1989. Today, it is co-managed by Cambridge English Language Assessment, British Council and IDP Australia.

> What is tested?

This test checks the ability or efficiency of a non-native English language speaking candidate who wishes to apply for a student visa, permanent visa, or work visa for an English speaking country. The four basic linguistic skills listening, reading, writing, and speaking, are assessed in English.

> Does IELTS have different versions?

There are two versions of the IELTS tests:

  1. Academic- Candidates who wish to go abroad to study have to take IELTS Academic test.
  2. General- Candidates who wish to go abroad to work or retire have to take the IELTS General test.

About Online IELTS Education

Online IELTS Education is India’s leading Study Abroad e-learning portal which provides a one-stop solution to all your study abroad requirements. Online IELTS Education offers courses that help students to acquire basic knowledge of the English language that will make them competent to pursue their dreams.

It is launched by Ms. Khushi Jain Khunteta who has been teaching IELTS for a long time and has taught more than 100 students to date.

The main focus of Online IELTS Education is to make each and every aspect of IELTS e-learning more informative and more practical. This is where OIE has introduced real mock tests, sectional tests, vocabulary, grammar, lessons, live classes, and more. OIE is so sure that this is by far India’s best e-learning platform for Study Abroad.

Website: http://elearning.onlineieltseducation.com/

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